Show Your School Spirit!

Help support our local schools by signing up for our Spirit Card Program! Cards can be issued for Ballard, Carlisle, and Hickman County school systems. Emblazoned with the logo and colors of your school of choice, you can show your school spirit AND support the students with every purchase you make!

How It Works

Each time you swipe your Spirit Card at any retailer and make a CREDIT transaction (choose “credit” instead of “debit” when prompted), a percentage of that sale will be collected and donated once each year to our local schools. In 2021, CDB donated $13,500 to our local schools and overall, we’ve donated more than $30,000 through this program!

How To Get A Spirit Card

If you’d like to get a Spirit Card and do your part to support our local schools, then let us know! Spirit Cards are available for any CDB customer. To get yours, you can either:

  • Give us a call! You can request a Spirit Card representing the school of your choice by calling and making the request.
  • Visit any of our locations! Just stop by your local branch and request your Spirit Card and start supporting your local school!
  • Open an account! All new checking accounts come with a free debit card. Just request a Spirit Card when you come to open your new account!

Want to know more? We’re happy to help! Contact us today!

Comet Spirit Card Donation
Bomber Comet Spirit Card Donation
Comet Spirit Card Donation